Contract Bridge Score Sheet

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Contract Bridge Score Sheet: A Complete Guide

Contract Bridge is a classic card game that has been enjoyed by millions of people for decades. If you are a beginner or a seasoned player, you know how important it is to keep track of scores during a game. A Contract Bridge Score Sheet helps you do just that. In this article, we’ll provide you with a complete guide on how to use a Contract Bridge Score Sheet.

What is a Contract Bridge Score Sheet?

A Contract Bridge Score Sheet is a document that records the scores of the game. It allows you to keep track of the points earned by each team during the game. The Score Sheet is divided into two parts, one for each team, and includes the names of the players, the contract, and the total score of each team for each round.

How to Use a Contract Bridge Score Sheet

1. Before the game: Before the game begins, fill in the names of the players, the team name, and the round number at the top of the Score Sheet.

2. Setting the Contract: The team that wins the bidding process sets the Contract, which is the number of tricks (rounds) that they must take in the game in order to receive bonus points. It is important to record the Contract in the appropriate box on the Score Sheet.

3. Scoring: Scoring in Contract Bridge is based on the number of tricks that each team has taken and the Contract set for the round. If a team takes fewer tricks than the Contract, they receive penalty points. If they take all the tricks indicated in the Contract, they receive bonus points.

4. Keeping Score: After each round, the total score for each team is calculated and recorded in the appropriate box on the Score Sheet.

5. Winning the Game: The team with the highest total score at the end of the game is the winner!

Tips for Using a Contract Bridge Score Sheet

1. It is important to have a dedicated person keeping score during the game.

2. Make sure to record the correct scores for each team after each round.

3. Double-check the scores before declaring a winner.

4. It is helpful to keep the Score Sheet in a safe and easily accessible place during the game.


A Contract Bridge Score Sheet is an essential tool for keeping score during a game. It allows you to keep track of the scores of each team and ensures that everyone is on the same page. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, understanding how to use a Contract Bridge Score Sheet will enhance your overall game experience. So, next time you sit down to play Contract Bridge, make sure you have a Score Sheet ready!

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